STAYING in the PRESENT – Yeah, you’ve heard this so-called mumbo-jumbo, but what does it really mean? Do you agonize about events from the past? Makes you pretty miserable, doesn’t it? Do you agonize about the future – you know, about things that have never happened and may NEVER happen? Sucks, don’t it? When your mind stays focused on only the past and the future, YOU ARE NOT LIVING. The past is only there to learn from and the future is for planning your dreams and goals. So, when your mind starts to drift into these places, ask yourself a simple question: Where am I right now? And the answer is: I’m right here in the present, which is truly the only place you can get things done and enjoy the good things that exist in your life. I’m not trying to over-simplify this one, because for many, it takes some time.
– I’m talking about a big-old, wickedly toothy, Cheshire Cat-like, goofy cartoon-looking smile, and hold for about 5 to 10 seconds (just make sure no one is around or you might hear them calling 911 on your behalf.) Now, while you’re doing this, I challenge you – no, I DARE you to try to think negative thoughts. Well, guess what, it’s scientifically proven that you can’t. When you’re facial muscles move into that upward smiling position, the neurons in your brain are getting the signal that you must be happy, because the only time you really smile is when you are happy. I’m not kidding, endorphins get released in your brain that brings a relaxing affect to your body, and guess what, you feel even happier. Sound crazy? I DOUBLE-DOG-DARE you to try it. FORCE YOURSELF to SMILE
OMG, STOP WATCHING the NIGHTLY NEWS – Or as I call it, the BAD news. Murder, fires, corruption, harassment, terror, war and a number of other horrors that make you wanna crawl in a hole and cry for your momma. I find that 99% of the information I get from these so-called news events are in no way beneficial to my life, and listening to it, especially before I go to sleep causes Freddy Krueger-like nightmares which contributes to the start to a lousy next day. Come on, now, you KNOW I’m right, so put on some comedy or a cooking show, or music you love, or just anything that makes you feel good (and sleep well).
STAY CLEAR of DEBBIE DOWNERS WHEN at ALL POSSIBLE – Do you like when people rain on your parade, or whiz in your Cheerios? Stay away from these negative Nellies as much as possible, and at all costs, because their foul and rotten energy is like a disease. And, if you must deal with them, put on that gigantic Cheshire Cat smile and scare them the hell away.
ASK YOURSELF BETTER QUESTIONS – Motivational master, Tony Robbins talks about this all the time. When you ask yourself a question, your brain searches for an answer. So if you ask, “Why did I get in that accident?” The answer just might be, “Because you drive like an idiot”. If you fine-tune your questions, you will indeed get better and more beneficial answers. Now, how about trying these on for size: “What if everything works out for me?” What if ALL my needs are met?” What would it look and feel like if my health improved – or if more money started coming in?” Once again, your brain will search out those answers and give you scenarios that are way-more positive and cause you to feel more relaxed, and, um… happy.
START BEING HAPPY for OTHERS – Jealousy is just pure negativity and one of the rancid little traits of the human ego. This guy makes a lot of money, so and so got a new car, that family is going to Hawaii… yeah so, why should that have any kind of a bad effect on your life? Well, it doesn’t, so tell Mr. or Mrs. Ego to shut the hell up and send those people good thoughts and wishes. And, I mean for-real from your heart and soul. Maybe even try “smiling” when you think about them. I’m not kidding, you WILL not only feel better, you’ll then ask yourself, “What if I go to Hawaii? What if I got a new car? What if I started making more money?” Are you starting to realize how everything in this article is connected?
HAVE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE – It is scientifically proven that thoughts are energy – and energy seeks out other similar forms of energy to bond with. When you are grateful, and I mean grateful for anything that’s good, your brain not only sends out good energy, it latches onto other similar forms of good energy. All of the great spiritual thinks and teachers have said that “what you think about, creates MORE of what you’re thinking about into your life.” So, I have given you both the scientific version and the spiritual version of the very same thing. The late-great Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote the book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. He’s right. So, instead of waking up with apprehension from what happened yesterday and what could go wrong today – immediately, before you put your feet on the ground, give thanks for EVERYTHING you cherish in your life AND picture these things in your head: Your health, your spouse, your kids, your job, your home, your money, and anything else you hold dear. This will not only make you realize that you’ve got a lot more in your life that you thought – you will smile, you will feel present, and best of all, you will have no choice but to be happy.